Democracy Convention

Democracy is coming... to the U.S.A.


Nuke Watch


Building a Democracy Movement

Bonnie Urfer attended Milwaukee public schools during the “duck & cover” days, when the possibility of nuclear war never left her mind. Her heart led her to the path of peace and justice work. For 28 years until retirement, and now as a volunteer, she has worked for Nukewatch. During those years she has become educated about the nuclear industry as few others have. She organized, marched, crossed lines, wrote, spent 6 1/2 years in jails and prisons, tracked H-bomb trucks and trains, created the maps in Nuclear Heartland, painted banners, and participated in all sorts of mischief at military bases, nuclear missile silos, and war machine sites. Now she lives in community outside of Luck, Wisconsin, with her favorite organization only 200 steps away.