Democracy Convention

Democracy is coming... to the U.S.A.


Minneapolis City Council


Building a Democracy Movement

Cam Gordon is a founding member of the Minnesota Green Party and is serving his third terms as the Minneapolis City Council’s sole Green Party Council member. He took the lead on passing and implementing Ranked Choice Voting in Minneapolis, is former Chair of Elections Committee and currently chairs the Health, Environment and Community Engagement Committee.  His key values include ecological sustainability, nonviolence, grassroots democracy and social and economic justice. In addition, he serves on the Minneapolis Food Council, Red Rock Corridor Commission, Cedar Riverside Partnership, Joint City County Lead Task Force, University Stadium Area Advisory Group (SAAG), University District Partnership Alliance, Youth Coordinating Board and Youth Violence Prevention Executive Committee. He has served on the Civilian Review Authority Task Force (2006), Free Speech Work Group (2008), and Homegrown Minneapolis Implementation Task Force (2010-2011).