Democracy Convention

Democracy is coming... to the U.S.A.


Women's International League for Peace and Freedom


Building a Democracy Movement

Ellen Thomas is a member of the Coordinating Committee of World Beyond War and a  co-chair of the Disarm/End Wars Committee of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom U.S. section.  She lives in the mountains of North Carolina. Thomas spent 25 years in Washington, D.C., 18 of them maintaining a day-and-night vigil for global nuclear disarmament in front of the White House.  With her husband, vigil founder William Thomas, she co-founded the Peace House, ten blocks from the vigil, which she managed from 2002 until his death in 2009. Thomas travels quite a bit to promote a bill in the U.S. Congress that has been introduced every session since 1994 after a successful voter initiative that Thomas and other vigilers brought in Washington, D.C.  See for a history of the “Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act.” See also the text and write a letter to your Congressperson asking for co-sponsorship. Thomas has been collecting information about nuclear issues, and since December 1998 posting what she has learned on Yahoo at NucNews. She is a videographer with an amazing library of events since the mid-1980s, and most recently has been moderating the Facebook pages NucNews and Eye On Congress among others.