Democracy Convention

Democracy is coming... to the U.S.A.


American Monetary Institute


Building a Democracy Movement

Howard Switzer is the Green Party of Tennessee's representative on the Green Party's National Committee, and a member of the Rules and By-laws Committee, is an eco-architect teaching eco-friendly and pre-industrial building methods and is a non-academic student of politics and money. He was co-chair of the Green Party of Tennessee 2002-2003 and has served a number of terms on the National Committee. In 2006, before the crash, he began the "Moving the Money to Main Street Campaign," adopted by GPUS in 2007, and it has since been taken up by other groups including Occupy Wall Street. He is currently advocating monetary reform to be a central component of the Green's National campaign. He was invited to present a talk on Green Monetary Reform at the 11th and 13th Annual American Monetary Institute's International Monetary Reform Conference and gave a well-received presentation on Green Money & Power at the Greens Presidential nominating convention in Houston last year where he was recognized as the Green Party's leader on the monetary reform.