Democracy Convention

Democracy is coming... to the U.S.A.


Midwest Environmental Advocates


Building a Democracy Movement

Jimmy Parra is a graduate of Middlebury College and Georgetown University Law Center. While in law school, he focused on environmental law and worked at various environmental organizations and public-interest law firms, including The Wilderness Society, Trustees for Alaska, Georgetown’s  Institute for Public Representation, and The Alaska Wilderness League.  He is now a Staff Attorney at Midwest Environmental Advocates (MEA), Wisconsin’s only public interest environmental law center.

While at MEA, Jimmy has worked alongside citizens and community groups on a variety of issues related to frac sand mining at both the state and local level. He has represented clients in challenges to air pollution control permits issued by the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, provided advice to impacted communities on how to address zoning and local governance concerns, and been involved in the permitting and enforcement of water pollution from frac sand facilities. Apart from his frac sand work, Jimmy is MEA’s lead attorney on issues relating to water quality impacts from end-of-pipe or point source dischargers.  His work includes legal and policy response to high-profile potential Great Lakes Impacts such as water diversion requests and other threats to the Great Lakes Compact. He is also a MEA attorney responsible for filing and executing the Wisconsin citizen Petition for Corrective Action, which urges the federal government to require fixing of Wisconsin’s deficient water pollution permitting program.


Jimmy Parra
Staff Attorney
Midwest Environmental Advocates

Phone: (608) 251-5047 ext. 6