Democracy Convention

Democracy is coming... to the U.S.A.

<blockquote>If ye love wealth better than liberty... May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.</blockquote>
<cite>~ Samuel Adams</cite>

<blockquote>Those who produce should have, but we know that those who produce the most - that is, those who work hardest, and at the most difficult and most menial tasks, have the least.</blockquote>
<cite>~ Eugene V. Debs</cite>
The United States is home to a vibrant movement for economic democracy. Read our materials on cooperatives, participatory budgeting, and solidarity economies.

American Monetary Institute (AMI)

The American Monetary Institute (AMI) is a publicly supported charity, founded in 1996 to present the results of our research in a manner understandable by the average citizen; leading to monetary reforms which bring forth a greater level of economic justice and a more equitable and efficient functioning of government.

Liberty Tree

The Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution is a nonprofit organization rooted in the belief that the American Revolution is a living tradition whose greatest promise is democracy. In order to help achieve that promise, Liberty Tree works to create a society in which communities and individuals have the desire, skills, and capacity to participate in the vital decisions that affect their lives.